Mineral Processing Overview in Brazil Antonio
Peres1; 1ENGINEERING FACULTY FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF MINAS GERAIS, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Type of Paper: General Plenary Id Paper: 166 Topic: 19
Sustainable Mining in the 21st Century Oscar
Gonzalez Rocha1; 1CEO, SOUTHERN COPPER CORPORATION, Lima, Peru; Type of Paper: General Plenary Id Paper: 398 Topic: 19
University Technology Transfer - Highs and Lows Derek
Fray1; 1DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND METALLURGY, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, CAMBRIDGE, Cambridge, United Kingdom (Great Britain); Type of Paper: General Plenary Id Paper: 406 Topic: 19
Next Generation Secondary Batteries Katerina
Aifantis1; 1UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA, Tucson, United States; Type of Paper: General Plenary Id Paper: 409 Topic: 19
Reflections on Sustainable Development Tarja
Halonen1; 111TH PRESIDENT OF FINLAND, Helsinki, Finland; Type of Paper: General Plenary Id Paper: 419 Topic: 19