2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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Michael Zinigrad

Ariel University

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Curriculum Vitae:

Professor Michael Zinigrad is the presiding Rector of Ariel University (AU). He took part in establishing the Faculty of Natural Sciences at AU and served as its first dean for 13 years. He founded The Materials Research Center, which includes five laboratories, among which is his Advanced Metallic Research Laboratory.

Prof. Zinigrad has over 30 years of experience in materials science and materials engineering. He conducts theoretical and experimental investigations on high-temperature processes. He was the first to develop the method of mathematical modeling and simulation of metallurgical processes at high temperatures. Based on that method, the team, led by Prof. Zinigrad, now develops new technologies, especially the in the field of welding and surfacing materials. This approach is unique because it enables developing "tailor-made" technologies according to the customer's needs, and forecasts the properties of new materials.

Professor Zinigrad develops and optimizes new technologies for the production of metallic materials with required compositions and assigned properties based on the usage of nano-size particles. He has also designed computer software for the simulation of welding processes, and invented flux compositions for hardsurfacing. The results of his research are being applied to the automotive, aircraft, metallurgy and other industries. Prof. Zinigrad has published a book, over 200 scientific articles, 6 patents, 22 text books and over 80 presentations in scientific conferences.

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