2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit & Exhibition
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  29 June - 04 July 2014, Fiesta Americana Condesa Cancun All Inclusive Resort, Cancun, Mexico
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04 September, 2014 Photos/Videos/Articles:
Photos, videos and articles of the summit have been provided to authors and/or attendees of the 2014 - Sustainable Industrial Processing Summit/Shechtman International Symposium.
18 May, 2014 VIP Guest Profile and Plenary/Keynote/Invited Speakers update:
Up-to-date list of Summit Plenary speakers, Symposium Plenary speakers, Symposium Keynote speakers and Symposium Invited speakers.
Click for details.
18 May, 2014 Advance Program Announcement:
The Advance Program, subject to minor changes, can be found at www.flogen.org/ShechtmanSymposium/advance_program.php
26 March, 2014 Authors' discounted registration and hotel booking:
Following numerous requests from authors and attendees, we extended authors' discounted registration and hotel booking until March 29

Click here to register
Click here to book the hotel
14 March, 2014 Early Bird and Author's discounted registration:
The Early Bird and Author's discounted registration is extended until March 25

Click here to register
14 March, 2014 Short courses and workshops announcement:
The following Short Educational Courses are offered on Saturday and Sunday before the summit
14 March, 2014 Technical scientific program announcement:
A preliminary list of about 400 accepted abstracts (as of 14 March 2014) from about 50 countries around the world can be found at Technical Program
28 February, 2014 Full Manuscript Submission Deadline:
The Full Manuscript Deadline is extended until March 15 Click here to submit a Paper
20 October 2013 Abstracts deadline:
Due to numerous requests all over the world the abstract deadline is extended until January 15, 2014
Click here to submit an abstract >
01 February 2013 Call For Paper:
Please click below to see online version [low resolution]
Call For Paper >
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SIPS is the flagship event of FLOGEN STAR OUTREACH, a not-for-profit, non-political and all-inclusive science organization. SIPS as well as FLOGEN STARS OUTREACH takes no sides in political, scientific or technological debates. We equally welcome, without reservations, all spectrum of ideas, theories, technologies and related debates. Statements and opinions expressed are those of individuals and/or groups only and do not necessary reflect the opinions of FLOGEN, its sponsors or supporters.

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