25-28 August 2013, Hyatt Regency Mission Bay Spa & Marina, San Diego, California, USA
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Russell_Rhinehart R. Russell Rhinehart

President of the American Automatic Control Council Professor and Amoco Chair Oklahoma State University, USA

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ABSTRACT: The State of Control in the Processing Sector

With 13 years of industrial experience followed by 26 in academe, Dr. Rhinehart will present an overview of two aspects of control in the chemical processing industries: Technology, and human resources. In each, he will contrast the industrial and academic communities from a sustainability view, and challenge the systems to create a better customer-supplier relation.

Technology & Algorithms - CPI classifications and their use of control, Academic research topics, Vendor latest directions, Why the differences.

Human resources - Demographics in industry, Need for entry level engineers, Control engineering programs in the US, Demographics in professoriate, Training BS graduates, and MS/PhDs receive, Why the supplier cannot make a product that satisfies the customer.

Sustainability - Acceptable to all who have a claim to be stakeholders, Optimization of collective objective functions. Control technology and human resources from Economics-Environment-Social sustainability view.

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